The 7 principles of safety leadership
1 minutes

What is safety leadership? How does a manager become a leader? Beyond charisma, leadership can be learned, developed and practiced. Discover seven principles to develop your safety leadership, with Ivan Boissières, Icsi’s Director.
A safety leader must set an example, and provide teams with the technical and organizational resources they need. Through these actions, he or she can encourage safer behavior. Leadership can be learned, and the following 7 principles are found in safety leaders at all levels of an organization:
- Create the vision that gives meaning to safety policies
- Share the vision, to involve employees and encourage buy-in
- Give safety due consideration in trade-offs, in order to create a safe technical and organizational environment
- Spend time in the field, find ways to make management requirements fit with reality on the ground.
- Foster team spirit and cross-functionality, to develop shared vigilance within and between teams
- Acknowledge good practices and apply fair sanctions, to create a just culture and a climate of trust
- Be credible and set an example
It is difficult to work on all 7 principles at once, but whether you are a site manager, team leader, or member of the HSE committee, it’s not too late to get started and translate one or two of these principles into action. Take advantage of every opportunity – briefings, safety visits, etc. –- to discuss safety, listen to what teams have to say, in short, stimulate debate about risks.
Watch our video on the 7 principles of leadership, presented by Icsi’s Director, Ivan Boissières.
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