
From bite-size briefs to academic articles, all of Icsi and Foncsi’s publications are freely available, as our aim is to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness of safety culture as widely as possible.

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16 publications found

Human and organizational factors of safety: state of the art

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
French English Spanish Portuguese Italian
Human and organizational factors of safety: state of the art Human and organizational factors of safety: state of the art

Articulation between compliance and initiative in safety management

Human and organizational factors
Safety culture
Industrial safety reports
French English
 Articulation between  compliance and initiative  in safety management Articulation between compliance and initiative in safety management

The regulator-regulatee relationship embedded in a network of third parties

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
French English
The regulator-regulatee  relationship embedded  in a network of third parties The regulator-regulatee relationship embedded in a network of third parties

Human and Organisational Factors - Practices and Strategies for a Changing World

Human and organizational factors
SpringerBriefs in Safety Management
Human and Organisational Factors Human and Organisational Factors

Human and organizational factors in companies on three separate tracks?

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety opinion pieces
French English
Human and organizational factors in companies on three separate tracks? Human and organizational factors in companies on three separate tracks?

Organizational silence is the best enemy of safety

Safety culture
Human and organizational factors
Our thoughts on safety culture
French English Spanish
Organizational silence is the best enemy of safety Organizational silence is the best enemy of safety

Catastrophe aversion: social attitudes towards common fates

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
Catastrophe aversion: social attitudes towards common fates Catastrophe aversion: social attitudes towards common fates

Promoting safe behavior is not the ultimate challenge when improving safety performance

Human and organizational factors
Our thoughts on safety culture
French English
Promoting safe behavior is not the ultimate challenge when improving safety performance Promoting safe behavior is not the ultimate challenge when improving safety performance

Values/behaviour: cause or consequence?

Safety culture
Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety opinion pieces
French English Spanish
Values/behaviour: cause or consequence? Values/behaviour: cause or consequence?

Risk, uncertainty and decision-making, improving the effectiveness of group decision-making

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
Risk, uncertainty and decision-making, improving the effectiveness of group decision-making Risk, uncertainty and decision-making, improving the effectiveness of group decision-making

Professional misconduct does not explain the real cause of accidents

Human and organizational factors
Our thoughts on safety culture
French English Spanish
Professional misconduct does not explain the real cause of accidents Professional misconduct does not explain the real cause of accidents

Systematic sanctions are not the best approach to change the behavior of a person who does not respect the rules

Human and organizational factors
Our thoughts on safety culture
French English
Systematic sanctions are not the best approach to change the behavior of a person who does not respect the rules Systematic sanctions are not the best approach to change the behavior of a person who does not respect the rules

Risk regulation, liability and insurance

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
Risk regulation, liability and insurance Risk regulation, liability and insurance

Risk, uncertainty and decision-making: field observation

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
Risk, uncertainty and decision-making: field observation Risk, uncertainty and decision-making: field observation

Taking account of human and organisational factors in planning and designing a high risk system

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
French English Spanish
Taking account of human and organisational factors in planning and designing a high risk system Taking account of human and organisational factors in planning and designing a high risk system

Control and accountability in highly-automated systems

Human and organizational factors
Industrial safety reports
Control and accountability in highly-automated systems Control and accountability in highly-automated systems