Human and organizational factors in companies on three separate tracks?

Human and organizational factors
René Amalberti (ed. Foncsi)
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In his Industrial safety opinion piece, René Amalberti, director of the Foncsi, shows that human and organizational factors (HOF) are found in multiple approaches and company departments:

  • the human resources (HR) department is responsible for the selection and recruitment of personnel, the social climate and skills
  • the production department is responsible for the optimization of product quality and services
  • the HSE department looks after safety, human error, occupational injuries and workplace accidents.

These three departments - HR, HSE and Production - each have their own structures and resources dedicated to HOF. A number of questions arise from this observation.

A global HOF approach versus a fragmented structure... let’s talk about it!


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Human and organizational factors in companies on three separate tracks? Human and organizational factors in companies on three separate tracks?