Implementing the Golden Rules
Serious accident prevention
"Serious accident prevention" discussion group - Icsi
Industrial safety reports
Sometimes referred to as the ‘cardinal rules’, the ‘fundamental rules’, or ‘rules that save lives’, when it comes to safety, the Golden Rules aim to prevent major occupational risks. The aim is to save lives, and they can never be circumvented. This report focuses on how they are chosen, communicated, implemented and closely monitored in at-risk situations, in order to effectively prevent serious and fatal accidents.
| Summary |
- Choose the Golden Rules using a structured and highly participative methodology
- Ensure the rationale behind the Golden Rules is understood and that teams embrace the safety vision
- Train and coordinate a strong coalition for a successful implementation
- Identify any obstacles to applying the Golden Rules, address them and find a solution
- Encourage work group appropriation
- Establish and implement a recognition and sanctions policy that is perceived as just, to ensure adherence
- Integrate the Golden Rules for the long term and embed practices
- Ensure synergy with equivalent contractor-company processes, and vice versa
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